Thursday, October 15, 2009

TOS Review: Guardian Angel Publishing

 Guardian Angel Publishing is a publishing company the sells ebooks and print books depending on your preference.  There mission statement is:

 "...our publishing goals are to lovingly create fun, affordable and educational eBook computer & print book experiences for preschoolers and primary age children. And to embed positive, loving and worthwhile meaning into these books."

For this review I was given the ebook version of the following books:

Stubby's Destiny -  A story about a donkey who is convinced he is of no use to society becomes the donkey to the King of Kings and proudly takes his part.

No Bones About It - The Sum of our Parts Series - Using full color cartoon pictures and some funny scenes, follow this rhyme as you learn all about your skeletal system

Hamster Holidays - Noun and Adjective Adventures - Go through the year with a bunch of happy hamsters and learn adjectives and nouns as they tell you what events they do each month. Includes activities, puzzles, and a study guide to go with it.  The hamsters dress up in costumes in October.

Andy and Spirit Go to the Fair - See how Andy, a boy in a wheelchair, prepares for the fair and they goes on to participate in the fair - on horseback.

Earthquake - A mini unit study on earthquakes.  Tells what earthquakes are, includes some experiments, and has what to do during an earthquake. It also gives info on what emergency supplies on hand.

All books are in full color and besides Stubby's Destiny there is no mention of faith. There are some other titles listed that have a Christian theme.  The stories are innocent and were enjoyable by my children.  The earthquake and the bone book were our favorite as they contained lots of facts and information, and probably more closely fit our age group.

This publisher also publishes the book: AND THEN MAMA SAID... IT TAKES TIME TO LEARN TO READ  previously reviewed on this blog.

There are some free ebooks and coloring pages on their website. The books can be purchased on their website and can also be purchased at several online booksellers such as Barnes & Noble and

To learn more about Guardian Angel Publishing: CLICK HERE

Watch the trailer to Stubby's Destiny...

The 5 ebooks mentioned above were provided free of charge for this review. No other compensation is received from any sales generated by this review. The views in this review reflect my opinion only and you may or may not come to the same conclusion as I do about the product. Please see the side bar.

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