Tuesday, September 22, 2009

TOS Crew Review: Journey Through Learning Lapbooks and Unit Studies

Lapbooks are becoming very popular among homeschoolers.  Lapbooking is a way of getting away from workbooks while ensuring learning and making a memorable keepsake.  With lapbooking you make mini-books that you combine into a file folder specially folded so it can sit on your lap and you can open it and read it.  Most lapbook project cover one topic, such as the one we did on deserts.  You can see a slide show of lapbooks on the publishers website at: http://www.ajourneythroughlearning.com/  You may have to scroll down a little to see it.  Further down on the page are simple directions on how to make a lapbook folder.

The lapbook we completed on deserts was very mom friendly.  I liked the fact that all the information that was needed was there in one unit.  You can decide for yourself if you want to supplement with more books or not.  We did watch a couple of videos on Discovery streaming about deserts and desert animals and read a few books that we had on hand. But that was all optional as there is a lot of information already contained in the unit.

The units were very well laid out in that the project immediately followed the reading, so there is no flipping back and forth.  Also the directions for the mini-book were contained directly on the page with the mini-book. The lapbook contains full colored drawing of the various topics and an occasional black and white photo.

In the desert unit, we covered the different deserts and their locations, what a desert is, animals, plants, and peoples found in the desert. The unit contains a review mini-book where the child lists what they learned in the desert and a mini book containing desert vocabulary. At the end of the unit is a suggested list for more information on the subject.

My boys really enjoyed the cutting, pasting, coloring, and even the answering of the questions. They looked forward to completing several books at one sitting. I imagine it takes about a month to complete the lapbook, give or take depending on if you supplement or not.

Other lapbooks that I previewed were set up similarly. The authors are professing Christians, but the units, unless they are on a bible topic, seem to be fairly neutral and non-Christians as well should feel comfortable using them. Also available are copy-work books that go along with some of the lapbooks.

To see what other lapbooks that are available from this publisher or samples: CLICK HERE.

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