Sunday, March 15, 2009

TOS Crew: One To Believe - Noah's Ark

One to Believe has done it again with another great toy. We received our Noah's Ark set and immediately opened it and started playing! OK, so it is not biblically accurate. But it is a fun sturdy toy, my children played with for hours. The boat is also a great holding bin for the animals when we are done playing. At least that is what I used it for, LOL!

One to Believe's goal is to assist parents in guarding their child's hearts and minds by supplying great toys modeled after great people. Like the nativity set, Noah's Ark comes with short bible story to point the child to the bible. Reading the actual bible story would be a great supplement to this toy.

The set comes with the ark which doubles as storage for the set, with two each (male and female of course) of: donkeys, elephants, lion and lioness, monkeys, ostriches, camels, ewe and a ram, and last but not least, Noah (but I am not sure where his wife is :-) The set is meant for age 3 and up, so there are some small parts not appropriate for small children.

My boys love this set and I am sure will keep there interest for some time.
You can visit their website to see more by clicking here.

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