Thursday, December 25, 2008

TOS Review: Puppetools

If you have an interest in puppets, whether for yourself or church group, you can get a ton of information on the "science of puppets" and imaginative play with children at The author had put in hours of videos, patterns, and other things to get you and your child thinking about how to have a ball with puppets.

Basically you learn a basic puppet paper fold then children are encouraged to come up with there own ideas to make puppets. There are patterns there as well for those of us born without a creative gene. You can use these ideas for supplementing your curriculum by acting out a story or re-telling a history lesson. The uses are endless.

There is a 60 day trial available for $20, which should suffice most families, however the author of the website states he plans on offering an "individual" membership for $20 a year. That has not as of yet made it to the website, so you may have to email them for more information.

This website includes tons of research done over time by its' author. He definitely has a passion for this tool. His enthusiasm just bubbles over throughout.

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