We are an eclectic bunch and with 5 children they are all doing something different.
Here is an overview:
6 y/o is working through Rod and Staff Preschool Workbooks (He will be sitting in on his brothers reading lessons, but he is immature and I don't think he gets the idea of reading yet.)
7 y/o is trying to work through Spell to Write and Read. Our 8 year old used this the last two years and is a strong reader. My 7/0 does not get it and struggles with it, so I have to see what we decide to do with him. We also love Christian Light Math. This is great if you have not looked at it before. It is totally new series using a spiral type learning. Not too much busy work. Math drills and everything needed to teach the program comes in the light unit. http://www.clp.org/ They also have an excellent reading program.
8 y/o For him we are trying Alpha Omega math and language arts. I hope we like it. I read many reviews and people either love or hate it. He is going to be doing some copy work to supplement A&O. He is also doing Rod and Staff Social Studies and Science. I chose these because they only require one lesson a week (done in one day.) so that he would have lots of time to do independent and family lead projects.
15 y/o She is going to try Saxon Algebra 1/2. She has done Christian Light math the last 4 years however we are trying to save money and we already have Saxon (which my oldest did all the way through and always scores extremely well on standardized testing.) She is also doing Alpha Omega Language Arts. We will see how it goes for her. She has a vision impairment so we will see if that works. She is also doing Apologia General Science, Body by Design for health (I believe by Masters Publishers?) and Rod and Staff Social Studies. We plan on purchasing a lap book to accompany the Apologia science just for fun.
17 y/o Is done as far as the school district is concerned but has a few more subjects left to complete before he officially graduates. He is working on Christian Light English and Social Studies, Abeka Consumer Math, Auto Fundamentals (Christian Light has great electives such as home maintenance, computers, accounting, carpentry, etc.) Apologia Chemistry and eventually he will do Bob Jones Appreciating music.
I also purchased this year Institute for Excellence in Writing program to do with the two oldest. They are not writers and I really hope this works. I can't go wrong with their unconditional anytime return policy.
I have several lap books I would like to work on with the children through out the school year too. I haven't really done one yet, but I own a few. I have purchase some of the supplies so I really just have to do it. One thing we started last school year was poem memory / recitation. I will alternate with bible verse memory.
So that is probably more then I thought I would write. We have fun homeschooling and although I have lots of list of books we really are relaxed about it.
Hi Annmarie!
Audie teaches Levi math, and they have used Alpha Omega Lifepacs for the last two years. They love it.
We are also using Apologia "Land Animals of the 6th day." I've never used it before, but I've been reading through it and LOVE it so far. Levi and I are both animal lovers, so it will be fun!
As soon as we get done with all our crazy outside projects (wood, finishing the pond) I'm going to write a post about what we're doing.
You have a great list... its great that you have such a wide range of ages, too. I never look at that as anything but good because they can all help each other :-)
Have a blessed weekend!
Thanks for sharing! I'll be interested to hear how your family likes the AOP. ;-)
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