Tuesday, October 27, 2009

TOS Crew Review: Sarah's Wish

Sarah's Wish tells the story of a girl, Sarah (12,) who is orphaned early on in the book after a stage coach accident. Sarah's mom left her with a huge secret she felt compelled to keep to herself until circumstances forced her to reveal it. Sarah and her mother were part of the underground railroad.  They provided refuge to escaped slaves on their journey to Canada where they could be fully free. Sarah's ultimate wish is a Christian family but you will have to read the book to find out what happens.

The author of the book did a lot of research on the subject before writing it to make it factual. Children reading the story can see Sarah's Christian faith as well as learn about how the underground railroad operated.  This book hooked my children early and they were eager to read it through quickly. This of course left them asking for more books in the series.  Also, with the book comes a free download of the audio version of the book. The audio's are also done well and make great listening in the car.

We do tend to be careful with what our children read and found no objections (in our opinion) in this book to our Christian faith.

The author also currently has two more books in the series that are available. For friends of TOS CREW, the author has made up this special:

Sarah’s Wish – 126 pages $8.50 retail: $10.99 save $2.49
Sarah’s Promise – 245 pages $10.50 retail: $14.99 save $4.49
Sarah’s Escape – 304 pages $15.50 retail: $21.99 save $6.49

Extra special offer: Purchase all of the items above and add an extra copy of Sarah’s Wish for $4.00. You can give it to a friend. They will think you are great!

This special includes free shipping. You must order by mail and mention the name of this blog and "TOS Crew Friend Special" in your note.

You can send your order with payment and name and address to:
Send order to: Sarahbooks, P.O.Box 753, Derby, Ks. 67037

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This book was received free of charge for a review.

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