Sarah's Wish tells the story of a girl, Sarah (12,) who is orphaned early on in the book after a stage coach accident. Sarah's mom left her with a huge secret she felt compelled to keep to herself until circumstances forced her to reveal it. Sarah and her mother were part of the underground railroad. They provided refuge to escaped slaves on their journey to Canada where they could be fully free. Sarah's ultimate wish is a Christian family but you will have to read the book to find out what happens.
The author of the book did a lot of research on the subject before writing it to make it factual. Children reading the story can see Sarah's Christian faith as well as learn about how the underground railroad operated. This book hooked my children early and they were eager to read it through quickly. This of course left them asking for more books in the series. Also, with the book comes a free download of the audio version of the book. The audio's are also done well and make great listening in the car.
We do tend to be careful with what our children read and found no objections (in our opinion) in this book to our Christian faith.
The author also currently has two more books in the series that are available. For friends of TOS CREW, the author has made up this special:
Sarah’s Wish – 126 pages $8.50 retail: $10.99 save $2.49
Sarah’s Promise – 245 pages $10.50 retail: $14.99 save $4.49
Sarah’s Escape – 304 pages $15.50 retail: $21.99 save $6.49
Extra special offer: Purchase all of the items above and add an extra copy of Sarah’s Wish for $4.00. You can give it to a friend. They will think you are great!
This special includes free shipping. You must order by mail and mention the name of this blog and "TOS Crew Friend Special" in your note.
You can send your order with payment and name and address to:
Send order to: Sarahbooks, P.O.Box 753, Derby, Ks. 67037
For more info or to sign up for a really neat newsletter (under homeschool section on website) which is educational, informational, and entertaining all in one, please visit the website at:
This book was received free of charge for a review.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Bethany House Review: "True For You But Not For Me"
"True For You But Not For Me" Overcoming Objections to Christian Faith is a revised edition of a previously published book in 1998. This book has 33 "mostly" short, "mostly" easy to read chapters that cover different topics that often come up when sharing your faith with others. The reason I say mostly is that some topics are more difficult and require a little more time to "digest" and require more information to explain. From "Christians are intolerant of other viewpoints" to "It doesn't matter what you believe - as long as your sincere," the author gives many references and biblical answers to counter religious pluralism and moral relativism rampant in our society.
At the end of each chapter the author provides a summary of each chapter and where to find more information for further reading. The book is highly foot noted so no statement or quote is unsupported.
Each chapter is pretty much stand alone, so this book can be used as a handbook to read the chapters in any order. This makes it an excellent tool for a church or pastor's library. This book should be read by every Christian working in ministry or in schools of evangelism. We always need to be ready to give an account of our faith and I believe that this book is a useful tool to accomplish this.
For a free study guide to accompany this book or for more info visit Paul Copan's website at:
This book was given to me free of charge from Bethany House for a review.
Thomas Nelson Review: Voices of the Faithful Book 2
Voices of the Faithful is the second in a series originally started by Beth Moore. This edition is edited by Kim P. Davis, with a introduction by Beth Moore. Voices of the Faithful is a one year devotional collection from people and families on the mission field all over the world. Through out you will read of steps of courage through faith in Jesus Christ.
With each devotion I was blessed by seeing God orchestrate through missionaries lives for His good. What I particularly liked about this book is that these devotionals are not fluff you find in some modern devotionals. These are true stories, direct from the mission field, that truly impacted my life and my pointed me to Christ.
The book is divided into 12 themes, one for each month. Themes include: prayer; diving appointments; Jesus, the Lamb; lessons from the young (my personal favorite section!); from adversity to triumph; be encouraged; and hope for the world.
This book is excellent gift to those on the mission field and those considering life as a missionary. It is also a blessing to share these devotions with children to help them see outside their usual environment and give them a vision to spread the gospel in and beyond their local community.
This book was received free of charge from Thomas Nelson for review. See disclaimer on right.
With each devotion I was blessed by seeing God orchestrate through missionaries lives for His good. What I particularly liked about this book is that these devotionals are not fluff you find in some modern devotionals. These are true stories, direct from the mission field, that truly impacted my life and my pointed me to Christ.
The book is divided into 12 themes, one for each month. Themes include: prayer; diving appointments; Jesus, the Lamb; lessons from the young (my personal favorite section!); from adversity to triumph; be encouraged; and hope for the world.
This book is excellent gift to those on the mission field and those considering life as a missionary. It is also a blessing to share these devotions with children to help them see outside their usual environment and give them a vision to spread the gospel in and beyond their local community.
This book was received free of charge from Thomas Nelson for review. See disclaimer on right.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Reformation Day: October 31st
From CBN:
"What will your church be doing this Reformation Day, October 31st? For so many Halloween presents a dilemma, what do you do with a holiday with roots in the occult?"
"October 31 celebrates the day that the Reformation in Europe began with Martin Luther posting his 95 theses on the Wittenburg church door, leading to a firestorm response in Germany. Why not use this occasion for a celebration of our Reformed heritage. And yes, this can be fun for the kids too! "
To read more click below:
What is Reformation Day?
Martin Luther's 95 Thesis:
Reformation Day activities - scroll down:
History and activities for Reformation Day:
Purchase a study guide from Doorposts:
How to plan a Reformation Day party:
"What will your church be doing this Reformation Day, October 31st? For so many Halloween presents a dilemma, what do you do with a holiday with roots in the occult?"
"October 31 celebrates the day that the Reformation in Europe began with Martin Luther posting his 95 theses on the Wittenburg church door, leading to a firestorm response in Germany. Why not use this occasion for a celebration of our Reformed heritage. And yes, this can be fun for the kids too! "
To read more click below:
What is Reformation Day?
Martin Luther's 95 Thesis:
Reformation Day activities - scroll down:
History and activities for Reformation Day:
Purchase a study guide from Doorposts:
How to plan a Reformation Day party:
Thursday, October 15, 2009
TOS Review: Guardian Angel Publishing
Guardian Angel Publishing is a publishing company the sells ebooks and print books depending on your preference. There mission statement is:
"...our publishing goals are to lovingly create fun, affordable and educational eBook computer & print book experiences for preschoolers and primary age children. And to embed positive, loving and worthwhile meaning into these books."
For this review I was given the ebook version of the following books:
Stubby's Destiny - A story about a donkey who is convinced he is of no use to society becomes the donkey to the King of Kings and proudly takes his part.
No Bones About It - The Sum of our Parts Series - Using full color cartoon pictures and some funny scenes, follow this rhyme as you learn all about your skeletal system
Hamster Holidays - Noun and Adjective Adventures - Go through the year with a bunch of happy hamsters and learn adjectives and nouns as they tell you what events they do each month. Includes activities, puzzles, and a study guide to go with it. The hamsters dress up in costumes in October.
Andy and Spirit Go to the Fair - See how Andy, a boy in a wheelchair, prepares for the fair and they goes on to participate in the fair - on horseback.
Earthquake - A mini unit study on earthquakes. Tells what earthquakes are, includes some experiments, and has what to do during an earthquake. It also gives info on what emergency supplies on hand.
All books are in full color and besides Stubby's Destiny there is no mention of faith. There are some other titles listed that have a Christian theme. The stories are innocent and were enjoyable by my children. The earthquake and the bone book were our favorite as they contained lots of facts and information, and probably more closely fit our age group.
This publisher also publishes the book: AND THEN MAMA SAID... IT TAKES TIME TO LEARN TO READ previously reviewed on this blog.
There are some free ebooks and coloring pages on their website. The books can be purchased on their website and can also be purchased at several online booksellers such as Barnes & Noble and
To learn more about Guardian Angel Publishing: CLICK HERE
Watch the trailer to Stubby's Destiny...
"...our publishing goals are to lovingly create fun, affordable and educational eBook computer & print book experiences for preschoolers and primary age children. And to embed positive, loving and worthwhile meaning into these books."
For this review I was given the ebook version of the following books:
Stubby's Destiny - A story about a donkey who is convinced he is of no use to society becomes the donkey to the King of Kings and proudly takes his part.
No Bones About It - The Sum of our Parts Series - Using full color cartoon pictures and some funny scenes, follow this rhyme as you learn all about your skeletal system
Hamster Holidays - Noun and Adjective Adventures - Go through the year with a bunch of happy hamsters and learn adjectives and nouns as they tell you what events they do each month. Includes activities, puzzles, and a study guide to go with it. The hamsters dress up in costumes in October.
Andy and Spirit Go to the Fair - See how Andy, a boy in a wheelchair, prepares for the fair and they goes on to participate in the fair - on horseback.
Earthquake - A mini unit study on earthquakes. Tells what earthquakes are, includes some experiments, and has what to do during an earthquake. It also gives info on what emergency supplies on hand.
All books are in full color and besides Stubby's Destiny there is no mention of faith. There are some other titles listed that have a Christian theme. The stories are innocent and were enjoyable by my children. The earthquake and the bone book were our favorite as they contained lots of facts and information, and probably more closely fit our age group.
This publisher also publishes the book: AND THEN MAMA SAID... IT TAKES TIME TO LEARN TO READ previously reviewed on this blog.
There are some free ebooks and coloring pages on their website. The books can be purchased on their website and can also be purchased at several online booksellers such as Barnes & Noble and
To learn more about Guardian Angel Publishing: CLICK HERE
Watch the trailer to Stubby's Destiny...
The 5 ebooks mentioned above were provided free of charge for this review. No other compensation is received from any sales generated by this review. The views in this review reflect my opinion only and you may or may not come to the same conclusion as I do about the product. Please see the side bar.
TOS Crew Review: Nature Friend Magazine
Nature Friend is a full color Christian nature magazine for children. We have subscribed to Nature Friend magazine off and on over the years. We have always enjoyed the articles and full color nature pictures. We have seen the magazine change as the magazine has passed through different owners.
Currently the magazine tends to more focus on nature photography and submissions from readers of the magazine. The articles are about animals, birds, insects, and original nature stories. Most submissions from readers seem to come from an experience they had in nature and often include pictures. There is a drawing lesson in each issue and a page with readers submissions of their drawings and comments. Also, a picture with hidden items in it to find called "Invisible." Lastly, in each issue you will find a puzzle page. One issue had a crossword while another had a word find.
This is a great magazine, free of ads. It is the publishers conviction to produce a God honoring magazine free of any outside influences. The view is from a creationist view, but does not hit you over the head with it. God is clearly the creator and is given all the credit. But you will find no evolution / creation debates in these magazines. The magazine is geared toward 8 to 16 year olds, but I believe all ages will enjoy it
I have to admit I was disappointed with the study guide. It contained additional puzzles, a writing activity, suggestions for more research, and a photo critique section, where subscribers can submit photos for critiquing and learning new photo techniques. While I really like the magazine, I probably would not pay extra for the study guide section. It did not contain anything that I would likely use.
We do enjoy the articles and beautiful pictures in each issue. We love that it honors God and does not worship the creation. I can be very comfortable handing this to my child and not have to worry about conflict in teaching or an inappropriate ad. I highly recommend the magazine for families looking for an educational nature magazine written for children that honors the Lord.
For information on rates and subscribing CLICK HERE.
Two issues of this magazine were provided free of charge for this review. No other compensation is received from any sales generated by this review. The views in this review reflect my opinion only and you may or may not come to the same conclusion about the product. Please see the side bar for more info.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
TOS Crew Review: Nutrition 101
Growing Healthy Families has produced a one of a kind health / nutrition curriculum for multiple ages and grades. What makes this unique is the strong Christian perspective on nutrition as it relates to each of the body systems. This full color, 448 page, book includes, discussion questions, activities, healthy recipes, and tons of information. Some might call it a unit study on nutrition. There are activities divided between elementary and secondary.
This curriculum is not a vegetarian curriculum and it actually does not seem to take a position on it, but just presents the facts as they are. Not everyone will agree with some of their teachings - such as limiting dairy and not using a microwave ovens. I don't believe anyone will walk away offended by anything they say. They generally present the facts and what they do in most cases. Also, there is enough information that I believe non-Christians alike would find this program useful. This is kind of like eating a bowl of cherries: eat the fruit (take what you can get out of it) and spit out the pits (disregard what you feel does not apply to your family.) You will still be full on the fruit.
There is also a huge appendix that contains information on making your own cleaning products and personal care products. There is information on how to nutritionally deal with certain disorders, such as asthma.
They have their own food pyramid, colorful several page produce selection and storage chart, and a Nutrition 101 shopping list. There is also an answer key for the activities in the back of the book.
The activities all seem enjoyable and fun to do. Some are just discussion questions. Because of the topics covered in this book, I would recommend that it be done with a parent so you can discuss and research for yourself some topics as they come up. Each lesson supplies a list of places to look for additional information.
The price of the book may discourage some from purchasing it, but a lot research went into this book and it is one of a kind. I have not seen anything like this before. It is also a beautiful full color book.
To find out more about this product watch the video below and visit their website:
Quote from the website:
"Nutrition 101: Choose Life! is a three-in-one family nutrition and health program for all ages that presents the major body systems, how they function, their common health issues, the benefits of good food and the consequences of bad food. Its 448 pages include into six units: 1) The Brain and Nervous System; 2) Digestion and Elimination; 3) Respiration and Olfactory; 4) Muscular and Skeletal Systems; 5) Cardiovascular and Immune Systems; and 6) Endocrine System and Emotions.
Biblically based and packed with hands-on activities, science and art projects and nearly 80 family-friendly recipes, this program teaches and reinforces the why’s of what we should eat, not just “because I said so.”
Disclaimer: This product was received free of charge from the publisher for purpose of writing a review for it. I receive no other compensation for this product. Please see disclaimer on right side bar for more information.
This curriculum is not a vegetarian curriculum and it actually does not seem to take a position on it, but just presents the facts as they are. Not everyone will agree with some of their teachings - such as limiting dairy and not using a microwave ovens. I don't believe anyone will walk away offended by anything they say. They generally present the facts and what they do in most cases. Also, there is enough information that I believe non-Christians alike would find this program useful. This is kind of like eating a bowl of cherries: eat the fruit (take what you can get out of it) and spit out the pits (disregard what you feel does not apply to your family.) You will still be full on the fruit.
There is also a huge appendix that contains information on making your own cleaning products and personal care products. There is information on how to nutritionally deal with certain disorders, such as asthma.
They have their own food pyramid, colorful several page produce selection and storage chart, and a Nutrition 101 shopping list. There is also an answer key for the activities in the back of the book.
The activities all seem enjoyable and fun to do. Some are just discussion questions. Because of the topics covered in this book, I would recommend that it be done with a parent so you can discuss and research for yourself some topics as they come up. Each lesson supplies a list of places to look for additional information.
The price of the book may discourage some from purchasing it, but a lot research went into this book and it is one of a kind. I have not seen anything like this before. It is also a beautiful full color book.
To find out more about this product watch the video below and visit their website:
Quote from the website:
"Nutrition 101: Choose Life! is a three-in-one family nutrition and health program for all ages that presents the major body systems, how they function, their common health issues, the benefits of good food and the consequences of bad food. Its 448 pages include into six units: 1) The Brain and Nervous System; 2) Digestion and Elimination; 3) Respiration and Olfactory; 4) Muscular and Skeletal Systems; 5) Cardiovascular and Immune Systems; and 6) Endocrine System and Emotions.
Biblically based and packed with hands-on activities, science and art projects and nearly 80 family-friendly recipes, this program teaches and reinforces the why’s of what we should eat, not just “because I said so.”
Disclaimer: This product was received free of charge from the publisher for purpose of writing a review for it. I receive no other compensation for this product. Please see disclaimer on right side bar for more information.
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