Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Weblink Wednesday

Weblink Wednesday with SoCalVal.

Great Homeschool Web Site Recommendation:

Design YOUR Homeschooling Approach To suit YOUR family!

Here is an excellent site to start your year off with! Know why you are homeschooling. Determine what approach fits you best. Write down your goals. Choose curriculum. Return that joy and excitement to homescholing. This site will take you step by step to determine all these things and more.


Anonymous said...

Great site, Have a great day.


Sonshine said...

interesting site! I bookmarked it so that I could look it over more!

Even though I am a veteran at the whole homeschooling thing, it doesn't hurt to re-evaluate each year to see where I can make changes!

Thanks for sharing! :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome Link! Thanks for participating. I'll be drawing the winner tonight, so be sure to check my blog tomorrow for the announcement!!!


Mommy Reg said...

What an awesome link! Even after homeschooling for 5 years I can find useful information. I am passing this on to new homeschool moms I know. Thanks for sharing.